In a week that we honoured super Joe Hart, today we pay homage to Super Joe Miller.

On Saturday we bid an emotional farewell to super Joe Hart, a player who had a superb successful three years at the club. Today we pay homage to another super Joe, and that would of course be Joe Miller, the man who on this very day in 1989 scored the winning goal in the Scottish cup final against Rangers.

It’s a goal that many of you of a particular age will remember vividly. It was a warm sunny day at Hampden in the showpiece final and after a long poor season, wee Joe made us all smile again.

Joe latched onto a slack pass back by Gary Steven’s and sent us into a state of euphoria. It would prove to be the winning goal, and not only did it win us a bit of silverware, it stopped our rivals from completing a clean sweep of honours. It truly was a magical day.

Beating your rivals is always good, especially in a cup final and wee Joe gave us all that special memory. One that is still as vivid today as it was all those years ago.

A few years of darkness would await us, but on that sunny day at Hampden we celebrated without a care in the world, all thanks to super Joe miller.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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