We have the biggest season ticket revenue, biggest kit deal and biggest bank balance in the country. It’s time we used it to our advantage.

For many years now Celtic football club have established themselves as not only the best of the rest on the pitch, but off it also.

We have the biggest stadium hence the biggest season ticket sales. Our kit deal is the most lucrative ever in this country with merchandise sales through the roof, and aided by three straight years of automatic champions league qualification this equate to us naturally boasting the biggest bank balance.

Throw in massive transfer outgoings, and turnover is unsurprisingly at a record high so we are in a very healthy position off the park as well as on it.

The only problem though is that we don’t act like a financial powerhouse. There really is no excuses as we have the means to secure the domestic dominance we have been so used to for several more years.

We also have the means to compete in Europe, and by competing, I don’t mean winning the champions league or even reaching the latter stages, but holding our own in the group stages and maybe qualifying for the last 16, or at a last resort a run in the Europa league.

There can be no excuses, we have all the tools to further enhance our dominance and improve on the European scene. It’s time we used it to our advantage.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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