We’d better have our targets lined up. We have no excuses.

The transfer window has been open for a couple of weeks now, and despite the usual rumours there’s been no sign of anything concrete regarding incomings to Celtic park.

We’ve not been slow in terms of outgoings with Sead Haksabanovic joining Malmo, while it’s only a matter of time before Ben Siegrist and OH join him in exiting the club.

It’s all good clearing the decks, but we need new faces in and we need them now. The new season is almost upon us and with next seasons fixture list just being announced the real action won’t be long in getting started.

It’s quite ridiculous how long our club prolong their recruitment business, it’s the same year after year. Joe Hart announced he was retiring a few months before the season ended and yet we are still searching for his replacement.

With the immediate departure of OH and Adam Idah back at Norwich we will also be short of competition up top, but yet again no signs of rectifying that.

Of course it doesn’t help that we don’t have a head of recruitment, another important position that we’ve known for months that needs filled, but yet again nothing.

We’ve known for long enough now what is required to move forward, but yet again it looks like the club are happy that season ticket renewals are done and dusted.

I might be wrong, I hope to be wrong and we might well have a few targets lined up. We can only hope as the club can’t have any excuses. We’ve had the time and we have the means. They’d better not let us down again.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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