Trying to emulate Celtic killed Rangers. Trying to emulate Celtic is slowly killing the tribute act.

Rangers 1872 RIP went down the tubes due to their obsession of trying to emulate Celtic.

When Craig Whyte pulled the plug on the life support after David Murray put them on their death bed it ended 150 years of history all because they wanted to be better than Celtic football club.

Celtic have a European cup in the Celtic park trophy cabinet, Rangers don’t and Murray spent many millions of other people’s cash over two decades in pursuit of the holy grail. A holy grail that was so far out of reach, yet his ego allowed him to continue without a thought of the bleak consequences, all egged on by the Rangers supporters and the SMSM.

It came as no surprise to anyone other than the deluded Rangers supporters when it finally came crashing down as their fate was sealed and they were confined to the history books.

Is the same fate about to become the tribute act who currently play out of Ibrox? It might not happen of course, but things don’t look good over Ibrox way.

The news that Ibrox won’t be ready for the start of the new campaign should strike fear into the hearts of the Rangers supporters.

Apparently renovation is being delayed due to ‘shipping’ issues regarding materials. But it’s been speculated that it’s a lot more than that due to the state of the Ibrox infrastructure. An infrastructure that’s been neglected over the years due to their obsession with beating Celtic on the park.

Over a decade of overspending, and living on loans all in the hope of overtaking Celtic could be about to come home to roost. We’ve all seen this movie before and it has the exact same ending.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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