McLeans words are so true. You could say the same up here about the Rangers. The similarities between the English and the Rangers are staggering.

James McLean recently aimed a stinging but true verbal volley at the English national side and their arrogant pundits, and it’s something us Celtic supporters can relate to in more ways than one.

The Wrexham and former Republic of Ireland international player said what everyone already knows about the English, and no one can disagree.

“That’s always been the English hype and media around the team”

“It’s always over the top, for a country that’s won one World Cup, and has never won the euros, they are very expectant and very arrogant about their chances.”

“Before a ball is kicked they are always planning a route to the final, so they need to tone it down a bit, as they are always over the top.”

Well said James, you can’t argue with those words, it’s one hundred percent correct. It’s also something we can relate to in Scotland, not just about the English national side, but more closer to home, and by that I mean our pals across the city.

The Rangers like England are living on past glories. Although to be fair to the English national side they at least have their own history to cling on to.

The Rangers like England have not won anything of note, but they firmly believe that they are superior to everyone else.

Three major domestic honours in twelve years, yet they act like they are the dominant side in the country. They start out every campaign expecting to win the lot but predictably turn on their heroes when they predictably self combust.

The similarities are striking. The SMSM and pundits like their English counterparts are also similar in their arrogance that they expect success, only to tear into their favourites when it all goes wrong.

The English and the Rangers really are two cheeks of the same backside.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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