It’s always club over country for me, but when Scotland are playing I’m as patriotic as anyone. It’s a shame the same can’t be said for everyone.

The Scotland national side continues to split opinions in this confused little country of ours.

I’m not the biggest fan of international football and it’s always club over country for me, but when Scotland are playing, i will always support them no matter what. It’s my country after all, and that’s what you do isn’t it?

When flower of Scotland is in full flow before the game if you don’t feel a single bit of emotion, can you call yourself Scottish? It’s spine tingling especially when we play the English, yet there is an element of ‘Scot’s’ who feel more emotional when it comes to the dreary God save the king.

I can’t get my head around anyone being against their own country. How can you feel more love for another nation over your own? Especially one that occupied us for centuries and continually look down on us.

Yes we as Celtic supporters feel an obvious infinity towards Ireland. A country that is steeped in our DNA, and a country who were also terrorised by a wicked English regime, but the overwhelming majority of Celtic supporters continue to show their support when it comes to their nation.

Yes we are part of a union, a union that is outdated and all about keeping us in line, but it doesn’t mean that we have to support any other member that belongs to it.

It’s our country. We have our own flag, our own national anthem, our own identity and it’s called Scotland. We should all be backing our country.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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