KT injury most likely puts an end to talk of a Celtic return.

Kieran Tierney has unfortunately had to withdraw from the Scotland Euros squad due to an injury he picked up in Wednesday nights draw with Switzerland.

KT is a superb player and a vital part of Steve Clarke’s squad, so his absence is a major blow in our quest to qualify for the last 16.

KT’s bad fortune will undoubtedly also put paid to any proposed return to Celtic. Whether it was all just mere speculation or not, I doubt we will hear of any such rumour in the near future. Although I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.

It’s not just this injury, but a collection of injury’s that the left back has accumulated in his career to date. KT does seem to be ‘injury prone’ which is a shame as he’s a superb athlete who is always putting in extra effort.

Some players just seem to be prone to injury and KT seems to be one of them. He’s now 27 and not getting any younger so I can’t see his body changing any time soon.

With a reputed price tag of £10 million and the salary that comes with that, there is no way the club will sanction such a deal, especially on a player so prone to injury, and one who is in his late twenties.

Hopefully KT fights back to fitness and finds himself a top club, unfortunately that won’t be at Celtic.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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