We are resigned to losing Matt, but we must keep CCV at all costs.

We don’t like to lose any of our players, especially our most valuable ones. Matt O’Riley is one of those players, and despite his importance to us most of us our resigned to losing him over the summer.

Matt will likely leave for a record outgoing transfer fee, and while it will cushion the blow it leaves a big void to fill in the middle of the park. It makes it all the more imperative that we reinvest a decent chunk of that fee on a replacement for the Danish international.

While we’re resigned to losing Matt, we don’t want to lose any more of our valuable assets. One particular player we don’t want to lose is the big strong man himself Cameron Carter Vickers.

Reports this morning suggest the USA international is a target for Ipswich, West Ham and Fulham.

Let’s hope it’s just speculation, but it wouldn’t be a surprise to know that sides are watching him as he’s a superb player.

But with all due respect to the sides mentioned, CCV should be aiming higher if he does ever move on to bigger things.

If Matt is valued at £30 odd million, CCV will be valued much much more. He’s not only an excellent player, but he’s a true leader and his mere presence is vital to our success.

We witnessed how much we struggled in his absence last season. To lose him is not worth thinking about. Let’s hope any offer is kicked firmly into touch.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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