Unsung hero

The term unsung hero is regularly used to describe certain individuals in the beautiful game. We’ve had a few of those in the long illustrious history of Celtic football club, both on and off the park. One of those men was John Keane.

John who sadly passed away at the weekend was a successful businessman, and a former director and honorary chairman of Celtic Football Club. John was an instrumental figure in the Fergus McCann takeover back in 1994.

He might not have got the public recognition that Fergus received, but he more than played his part in saving our wonderful football club from the brink of extinction.

John stumped up a massive £1 million of his own hard money to finance the club amidst the threat of administration during those dark days of the early 1990s.

He then went on to support Fergus McCann in his successful pursuit of taking Celtic football club off the hands of the shysters who were hell bent on killing our football club, and the rest as they say is History.

A history that might have suffered the same fate as our rivals from Ibrox hadn’t it been for men like John Keane.

He might not grab the headlines that is reserved for the likes of Fergus or Brian Dempsey, but John more than played his part in saving our football club and allowing us to enjoy the success we have today.

We will forever be eternally grateful. Rest in peace John.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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