McCoist and Souness were as embarrassing as Scotlands performance.

That was a painful watch last night. Scotland were ripped to shreds by a more efficient and effective German side. They had the better players and it showed as they schooled us throughout the entire game.

In all honesty it could have been seven or eight and the Scottish players sat back and let it happen. It was an embarrassing performance as well as a painful one.

It didn’t help that we had Ally McCoist on commentary. For as much as our eyes were hurting from watching that trudged display, our ears were getting a pounding listening to his inane drivel. How anyone can say he’s the best commentator on the air is bizarre.

Yes he’s meant to be neutral, but he showed no ounce of patriotism and spent the entire game waffling on about how good the Germans are. To the watching audience it sounded as if Ally was taking great delight in our pain.

The man is a former Scotland international for god sake. You can bet your life we wouldn’t be doing it if it were England being schooled. He does have a career to protect I suppose.

Just as embarrassing was the behaviour of his former boss Graeme Souness who was in the studio. A former Scotland captain who like Ally showed no signs of patriotism and didn’t look bothered in the slightest about the result.

In fact Irishman, the dour Roy Keane showed more emotion and disappointment than Souness.

Souness showed more emotion when he singled out our own Callum McGregor in a stinging attack in which he described him as “the Celtic captain yet again”

Why didn’t he signal out Andy Roberson who was as guilty as anyone for our performance last night as ‘the Liverpool captain’

Well that’s because Souness is a bitter old man. The truth is that he and McCoist were as embarrassing as the players on the pitch last night.

Published by anordinarybhoy

Just an ordinary Celtic supporter who likes to give my views on all the latest goings on at the club we all love. I also write for the Celtic star.

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